IPS Mid Eastern Zone Meet and National Conference
Plant Microbes Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
January 03-04, 2025
Venue : Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi

It gives us immense pleasure to extend invitation to you to participate in the upcoming National Conference and Zonal Meet of Mid Eastern Zone of Indian Phytopathological Society on “Plant Microbes Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security” scheduled from January 3 to 4 2025 at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RLBCAU), Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. RLBCAU was established in 2014 by an Act of Parliament under the Central Agricultural University Act 2014 (Act No. 10 of 2014). Like other Agricultural Universities, RLBCAU has the key objectives to impart education in different branches of agriculture and allied sciences, undertake research in agriculture, undertake programmes of extension education and promote linkages with national and international academic institutes. 


We will be honoured with your gracious participation in the conference. In case of any queries or any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Chief Organizing Secretary

Dr. Prashant P. Jambhulkar, Professor and Zonal President, IPS-MEZ

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor, Zonal Counsellor, IPS-MEZ

Download: Detailed Technical Programme

Click here to download Circular

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Abstract Submission

Accommodation and travel Itinerary form:


The primary objective of the National Conference and Zonal Meet is to invite leading scientists and budding researchers from different parts of the country to share their groundbreaking research findings, foster collaborative ventures and to chart a course for addressing the pivotal challenges in plant disease management, understanding plant - pathogen interactions and related aspects. 

We look forward to welcoming you in person to this exciting event. In addition to an excellent program of keynote talks, concurrent sessions, poster presentations, that consider the integral nature of plant health with human, animal and environmental health, there will be number of networking opportunities, to provide opportunities for deeper discussions into a number of topics.



Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi

The Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University has been established in 2014 by an Act of Parliament under the Central Agricultural University Act 2014 (Act No. 10 of 2014). Like other Agricultural Universities, Central Agricultural University, Jhansi has the key objectives to impart education in different branches of agriculture and allied sciences, undertake research in agriculture, undertake programmes of extension education and promote linkages with national and international educational institutes. (Read More...)


Bundelkhand University, Jhansi

This seat of higher learning came into existence on August 26, 1975, vide Government of Uttar Pradesh Notification No. 10/15-60/74 under the provision of the U.P. Universities Act.

However, though belonging to the younger generation of the Indian Universities, the Bundelkhand University has fast transformed into a University of excellence offering opportunities to the aspiring youths to pursue higher education (Read More...)

The Indian Phytopathological Society (IPS), New Delhi

The Indian Phytopathological Society (IPS), established in 1947, is a premier professional society dedicated to plant pathology in India. It promotes research, education, and awareness in the field of plant diseases and their management. IPS organizes annual conferences, publishes the esteemed journal "Indian Phytopathology," and facilitates collaboration among scientists, researchers, and practitioners. The society aims to address challenges in phytopathology, contribute to sustainable agriculture, and ensure food security. By fostering innovation and disseminating knowledge, IPS plays a crucial role in advancing plant health science in India and globally. The Society focuses on the field of  Mycology, Plant Pathology, Bacteriology, Virology, giving  a  platform to the scientists working in the field of plant pathology-related research to share their research  achievements. (Read More.....)

Important Dates

Abstract submission & Registration (opening date)


October 10, 2024

Abstract submission (closing date)


December 12, 2024 (Closed)

Early-Bird Registration (closing date)


December 20, 2024 (Closed)

Communication about acceptance


December 15, 2024 (Closed)

Registration Login Abstract Submission

Technical Sessions

1. Microbial biodiversity and taxonomy

2. Plant disease diagnostics, host-pathogen interaction and host plant resistance

3. Harnessing Plant Microbiome to understand pathogenesis

4. Novel formulation and smart delivery system of microbial antagonists

5. Emerging approaches in plant disease management

6.  Academia Industry interface on Plant Protection


Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi

Bundelkhand University, Jhansi

Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi

Organizing Committee

Chief Patrons

Dr. A.K. Singh, Vice Chancellor, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi

Dr. T.R. Sharma, DDG (Crop Science), ICAR, New Delhi

Dr. Mukesh Pandey, Vice Chancellor, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi


Dr. Sunil Chandra Dubey, Vice Chancellor, BAU, Ranchi

Dr. P.K. Chakraborty, Former Member, ASRB

Dr. Dilip Kumar Ghosh, President IPS, Director-ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur

Dr. R. Viswanathan, Director, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay, Former Vice Chancellor AAU, Jorhat

Dr. Poonam Jasrotia, ADG (Plant Protection and Biosafety), ICAR, New Delhi


Dr. Rakesh Pandey, Emeritus Scientist, CIMAP, Lucknow

Dr. Alok Srivastav, Director, ICAR-NBAIM, Mau

Prof. H.B. Singh, Retd. Professor, BHU, Varanasi

Dr. Pratibha Sharma, Retd. Head, Pl. Pathology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. A.K. Misra, Ex-President, IPS

Dr. Dinesh Singh, Head, Plant Protection, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

Dr. Kajal Kumar Biswas, Secretary, IPS, New Delhi

Dr. G.P. Rao, Emeritus Scientist , IARI, New Delhi


Dr. R.K. Singh, Dean, CoA, RLBCAU

Dr. S.S. Singh, Director Extn. Education, RLBCAU

Dr. V.P. Singh, Dean, CoV&AS, RLBCAU

Dr. S.K. Chaturvedi, Director Research, RLBCAU

Dr. Manish Shrivastav, Dean, CoH&F, RLBCAU

Dr. Anil Kumar, Director Education, RLBCAU

Dr. Manmohan Dobriyal, Dean, CoF

Dr. S.S. Kushwah, Registrar and Librarian, RLBCAU

Chief Organizing Secretary

Dr. Prashant P. Jambhulkar, Professor and Zonal President, IPS-MEZ

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor, Counsellor, IPS-MEZ

Co-Organizing Secretaries

Dr. Meenakshi Arya, RLBCAU, Jhansi 

Dr. H.D. Bhartiya, BBC, Jhansi 

Dr. Shubha Trivedi, RLBCAU, Jhansi 

Dr. J.K. Babele, BU, Jhansi

Dr. Anita Puyam, RLBCAU, Jhansi 

Dr. Kuleshwar Sahu, RLBCAU, Jhansi

Dr. Pavithra B.S., RLBCAU, Jhansi 

Dr. Vaibhav Singh, RLBCAU, Jhansi

Advisory Committee

Dr. J. Kumar, Dehradun

Dr. K.P. Singh, Pantnagar

Dr. Karuna Vishunawat, Pantnagar

Dr. Om Gupta, Jabalpur

Dr. A.K. Misra, Lucknow

Dr. S.S. Vaish, Varanasi

Dr. R.N. Kharwar, Varanasi

Dr. Jitender Kumar, Meerut

Dr. Birinchi Kumar Sarma, Varanasi

Dr. Lakshman Prasad, New Delhi

Dr. Malkhan Singh Gurjar, New Delhi

Dr. S.K. Biswas, Kanpur

Dr. Mujeeb Rahman Khan, Aligarh

Dr. R.P. Singh, Pantnagar

Dr. Ramji Singh, Meerut

Dr. Kamal Khilari, Meerut

Dr. Nazia Manzar, Mau

Dr. S.K. Singh, Ayodhya

Dr. T.K. Sharma, Jhansi

Dr. Ravi Pandya, Gwalior

Dr. Yogeshwar Singh, Jhansi

Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Jhansi


Dr. Abhijit Kashyap, Mau

Dr. Rishi Saxena, Jhansi

Dr. Ashajyothi, Jhansi

Dr. R.K. Mishra, Kanpur 

Dr. K.K. Mishra, Almora

Dr. Kamlesh Ram, Hamirpur

Dr. Shahanshai Hashmi, Jhansi

Dr. R.U. Khan, Aligarh

Dr. Dinesh Singh, Lucknow

Dr. Rahul Tiwari, Lucknow

Dr. U.B. Singh, Mau

Dr. Mehi Lal, Modipuram

Dr. Amit Kumar Tiwari, Jhansi

Dr. Deepak Vyas, Sagar

Dr. Vivek Singh, Ayodhya

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Banda

Dr. Gazala Rizvi, Jhansi

Dr. Md. Akram, Kanpur

Dr. Rajni Sasode Nikumbh, Gwalior

Plenary/Keynote/Lead/Invited Speakers

Plenary/Keynote/Lead/Invited Speakers


Download: Detailed Technical Programme


Lead Presentations

Eminent scientists/experts will deliver their presentations on various themes of the zonal conference. Allotted time is 20 min.

Oral Presentations

For each oral presentations, the maximum time allotted is 8 min followed by 2 minutes discussion. Best poster of each session will be awarded.

Poster Presentations

A session for each conference themes. Best poster of each session will be awarded. Size of Poster: 90 cm x 120 cm

Special Lecture in the memory of Late Prof. U.S. Singh 

Registration Details

Registration Login Abstract Submission


Only registered delegates are permitted to attend and participate in the Conference. They are entitled to receive all relevant publications of the conference including certificates. The registration fee can also be paid through cheque/demand draft in favour of “Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University”. 


Registration Fee 

GST @18%



INR 3000.00

INR 540.00

INR 3540.00


INR 4000.00

INR 720.00

INR 4720.00


INR 1500.00

INR 270.00

INR 1770.00


INR 7000.00

INR 1260.00

INR 8260.00

The registration fee can also be made via net banking (NEFT): 

Name of the Account Holder

 Indian Phytopathological Society 

Name of the Bank and Branch


CANARA Bank, Pusa Campus, IARI, New Delhi 110012

Account Type



Account Number






All the payment shall be made through online transfer. Please provide full details of payment including scanned copy of bank remittance advice. Receipt will be issued at registration desk at conference venue.


Registration Login  

Abstract Details


  • Abstract should be in English on the theme areas only
  • Word limit: 250 words
  • Font: Times New roman, Size 12, line spacing 1.5
  • Title: Running sentence case, bold, font size 14
  • Author(s) name, and affiliation with full address
  • Presenting author underlined
  • Abstract will be reviewed chosen on the basis of quality of content and acceptance will be communicated 

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Dimensions Requirements & Set-Up Procedures

  1. Poster size may be no more than 4 feet by 3 feet (i.e., length is no more than 4 feet and the width is no more than 3 feet). Oversized posters will obscure an adjacent poster and will be rejected.

B.   Criteria for Judging Poster Presentations

Given the number of posters, judges may only have 4-5 minutes or less to review, discuss, and evaluate a poster presentation. Poster presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Quality and relevance of the abstract.
  • Content and lay out of the poster:

(a) The title, names of authors, and the institution(s) where the research was performed should be included at the top of the poster.

(b) Poster layout should be in a logical order, including text and graphics that explain the objectives of the research and why the research is important; hypothesis/statement of the problem; methods and controls; results; conclusions and future research; and references and acknowledgements.

(c) Presentation: Presenters should demonstrate a good understanding of the study and related areas and responds effectively and clearly to questions.

C. Poster Design Suggestions & Tips

  1. All text material should be legible from about 4 feet away.
  2. Text Font should be legible and text size should not be less than 14 points (Example).
  3. Posters should include text and graphics and use color to add emphasis and clarity.
  4. Illustrations should be simple and bold, and photos should clearly show pertinent details.
  5. Displayed materials should be self-explanatory and should enhance the verbal presentation and discussion.
  6. Speak clearly and loud enough for observers to hear you.

About the Venue


The Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University has been established in 2014 by an Act of Parliament under the Central Agricultural University Act 2014 (Act No. 10 of 2014). Like other Agricultural Universities, Central Agricultural University, Jhansi has the key objectives to impart education in different branches of agriculture and allied sciences, undertake research in agriculture, undertake programmes of extension education and promote linkages with national and international educational institutes. (Read More...)


Jhansi is well connected by road and rail to all the major cities of the country. The University is 12 km away from Jhansi Railway Station. University is at Gwalior Road and adjacent to Grassland (ICAR-IGFRI). Taxi/ Auto service is available from the Railway station and from Bus stand. Nearest airport is 94 Km away at Gwalior.


January offers a pleasant weather in Jhansi making it favourable time for holding conference, tourism and outdoor activities.

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Limited single/shared accommodation is available at University Guest house and Farmers Hostel. The rates are ranged between Rs. 400-500 in guest house and in Farmers Hostel per person per night (First come first serve basis). Interested delegates may also to book their accommodation directly at a hotel of their choice. We recommend to make reservations as early as possible to secure best discounts and avoid tourist rush. below is the list of some hotels with contact details and tentative tariffs.

Name of Hotel

Contact Details

Tentative Tariff

Hotel Klyde Marvellous

Balaji Unnao Rd, Ansal Colony,

Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 284002

Mob: +91 8869944986 /



Rs. 1500-3000

Hotel Shrinath Palace

1075, Civil lines, Station Road,

Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 284001

Mob: +91 9935143055 (WhatsApp) / 9554557766


Rs. 2000-2500

Hotel Yatrik

Allahabad, Bank Road, Jhansi, Uttar

Pradesh 284001

Tel: 0510-2370999

Mob: +91 7380373999, 7380872999


Rs. 2000-2500

Lemon Tree Hotel

1076, Railway Station Road, Jhansi,

Uttar Pradesh 284001

Tel: +91 510 3500600

Rs. 4500-6000

Jhansi Hotel

Opposite Post Office, Sadar Bazar,

Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 284001

Tel: 0510-2473000, 0360

Mob: +91 7703007570, 71


Rs. 3000-5000

Hotel Natraj Sarovar Portico

Station Road, Civil Lines, Jhansi,

Uttar Pradesh 284001

Tel: +91 510 2330800

Mob: +91 7565802286

Rs. 3000-6000

Grand Tulsi

Newton Compound, Chitra

Chauraha, Sipri Bazar, Jhansi, Uttar

Pradesh 284001

Mob: +91 9415113076

Rs. 2500-3500

Hotel Sita

Near LIC Main Branch, Civil Lines,

Shivpuri Road, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 284001

Mob: +91 9919010013 / 7389449074


Rs. 2000-2500

For accommodation related queries, feel free to write to us on or call on contact number 7017405701

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Places to visit 

Jhansi is a historical place of India, known by the name of the ‘Fiery Queen, Maharani Lakshmi Bai ‘ ‘The Jhansi ki Rani’ who played a pivotal role in ‘The First War of Independence in 1857’. It is known as the Gateway to Bundelkhand. The city is having a number of majestic historical sites, religious centres and monuments. Other nearby places of tourist attraction are Datia, Sonagir, Orcha, Shivpuri, Khajuraho, Panna national park and Chitrakoot.

Jhansi Fort: Located in the heart of Jhansi city, the Jhansi Fort was one of the most important centres of resistance to the British colonial rule during the Revolt of 1857. It is this aura that surrounds the grand fort and draws thousands of visitors to Jhansi each year. This fort is just 09 km away from RLBCAU.

Orchha was founded in the 16th century on banks of river Betwa. On one side of the river is the Orccha city and the other side is the Teekam Garrh Forest range. The city is famous for the temple of ‘Raja Ram’. This beautiful place is just 28 km away from RLBCAU.

Datia is the ancient town which is situated at a distance of about 22 km. from RLBCAU. Datia is famous as a pilgrimage spot for devotees of Siddhapeeth ‘Shri Peetambra Devi’.

Sonagiri is 35 Km from RLBCAU. It is known as place of Jain temples. There are around 77 Jain temples built along the hill and its slopes in 17th century.

Chitrakoot is a renowned pilgrimage centre celebrated in ballads and scriptures for its religious significance and deep connection to the epic Ramayana. This holy town, nestled in the sylvan surroundings on the banks of the Mandakini river, straddles the borders of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. This beautiful place is just 302 km away from RLBCAU.

Khajuraho: Picturesque sight of architectural miracles conceived and executed on stone. The murals and motifs depict scenes from hunting, feasting, dancing and stress on the sensual and the erotic. Khajuraho is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986 and is considered one of the "seven wonders" of India. Distance from RLBCAU = 183.5 km.

Panna National Park boasts of seven different species of vultures. Panna tiger reserve is an ideal place to spot these in their natural habitat. Distance from RLBCAU = 192.7 km